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Tegel en Fayencefabriek Amphora - Oegstgeest (1907 - 1933)

Amphora had a relatively short life from 1907 until 1933. Located in Oegsgeest, not far from Gouda, it produced the most fantastic and excellent quality plateel during its short existence. It was not until around 1917 that Amphora reflected on the PZH successes by starting to produce their own version of the matte plateel, some of which clearly in the style of W.P. Hartgring’s NP-decors at the PZH. This was not surprising since it would appear that Hartgring had ‘stopped off’ at Amphora after leaving the PZH and prior to taking up a new position at the Arnhemsche Fayencefabriek in 1917. Some time later Amphora also embarked on the abstract-geometric Art Deco style. The one and only item in this collection matched that particular design style.

For further information on Tegel - en Fayencefabriek Amphora-Holland, please refer to Chapter 32 of Ron Tasman's Gouda Pottery Book (Volume II). See LINKS Page on this website to read the Gouda Pottery Book review and details of where to purchase this book.


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