Maybeck Antiques and Collectables GELRIA Index Page

Gelria - Arnhem (1926 - 1932)

As the successor of Klaas Vet’s previous enterprises, such as Plateelfabriek Purmerend (1903 - 1907) and the Arnhemsche Fayencefabriek (1907 - 1934), Plateelbakkerij Gelria (1926 – 1932) produced plateel mostly in the typical colourful Gouda Pottery style finished in a (semi) matte glaze. This is not really surprising because the Arnhemsche Fayencefabriek had already adopted this style since the arrival of W.P. Hartgring in 1917.
Klaas Vet left the "Arnhemsche" in 1926 following a series of disagreements with the Board of Directors and started Plateelbakkerij Gelria. His brother Jacob had died two years earlier in London.

For further information on Plateelbakkerij Gelria, please refer to Chapter 56 of Ron Tasman's Gouda Pottery Book (Volume III). See LINKS Page on this website to read the Gouda Pottery Book review and details of where to purchase this book.


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